Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Little Red Riding Hood

Ahhhhhh.  Pinterest.  I have to say I am quite addicted.  It is an amazing place for inspiration.  I saw the cutest Little Red Riding Hood Costume on there, and although my skills are far less than required to match the skills of the seamstress that made the original one, it gave me inspiration.  So I grabbed my crochet hook and got to work!  I must admit, I learned to crochet off of utube.  Sad huh?  But this was really easy, I just made a red rectangle and closed it with yarn to make the tube top.  Added a small white rectangle and then some ribbon.  I then bought about 6 yards of tulle and went crazy!  It was so easy to just tie the tulle to each loop at the bottom of the tube top.   Let me warn you, anyone who may wish to attempt this project:  Do NOT buy the glitter tulle.  It will look like a glitter fairy blew up in our house for many years thanks to that stuff.  But nonetheless, here is my end result on my not so cooperative little one!

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tyler {High School Senior}

When I was in 7th grade a new girl came to school.  A girl that just happened to live 2 blocks from my house, and in a neighborhood filled with only boys, I was extatic!  We became best friends instantly.  I was in the hospital with her when her first child was born, and 17 years later, here he is....

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Newborn Jack: 3 weeks

This little guy was absolutely adorable!  I have to admit, I get a little nervous about what I will get with a baby 3 weeks old, you just never know how sleepy they will be.  Have no doubt, it took us time, but we did get the little prince to sleep for about 15 minutes, and that was great!  Mommy and Daddy brought this adorable dinosaur hat as a prop and Jack was such a great little guy.  Thanks to Mom and Dad for being so patient and open to my ideas!

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Nichole&Tim: Engagement

A few years ago, I took engagement portraits of Nichole's sister.  I am so excited to now be doing Nicole.  I was so surprised at how well Tim photographed, no offence boys, but you are usually the hardest ones to get smiles from and Tim looks so natural.   This couple has a great sense of humor and was such a blast to photograph!   What a beautiful couple!!
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Newborn Alise

This little one was the ideal newborn, easily moved and slept like, well...a baby!  I loved the way this session turned out and am so thankful to all of the Mommy's and Daddy's who let me tell these fresh new stories.

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Newborn Henley

This little guy was only eight days new.  He just couldn't seem to get settled enough to sleep for me, but I think I captured him just the same. 
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